Riley Vanderkaay

Chief Executive Officer

Riley Vanderkaay is a seasoned professional in sales and leadership, with a talent for strategic
process development. As the co-founder of a multimillion-dollar ad agency focused on real estate, Riley has achieved remarkable success in under four years, combining passion with expertise to drive growth and innovation. Riley’s approach to work is infused with enthusiasm and a genuine belief in creating environments where positivity and growth can flourish. He’s all about helping others find fulfillment in their daily activities, making him a leader who truly cares about his team and their success.

Outside of the office, Riley loves spending time outdoors with his loyal pup, Ace. Whether
they’re hiking or simply enjoying the fresh air, these moments provide a perfect backdrop for Riley’s other passion: engaging in thought-provoking conversations with friends about new ideas and topics. Riley’s mission is to lead with passion, inspire growth, and always keep a sense of purpose along the way.

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